Senin, 04 April 2011

Cara Cepat Meningkatkan Page Rank Dan Traffic Blog

Page rank dan traffic blog, merupakan dua hal yang menjadi incaran para blogger. Khususnya blogger baru seperti intuisiblog(dot)com. Berbagai cara cepat dan instan untuk meningkatkan page rank dan traffic blog selalu cara yang paling di cari-cari. Sekali lagi, saya akan berbagi pengalaman kepada anda mengenai cara cepat meningkatkan page rank dan traffic blog hanya dalam satu cara. Seperti pada posting saya mengenai cara cepat meningkatkan traffic pembaca dan 4 pilar meningkatkan page rank, ternyata menjadi salah satu dari 10 posting terpopuler artikel intuisiblog(dot)com.

Cara cepat meningkatkan page rank dan traffic blog, hanya diperuntukkan bagi anda yang menginginkan page rank dan traffik blog secara instan. Cara cepat meningkatkan page rank dan traffic blog adalah dengan cara penyebaran link menggunakan sistem Multi Level Marketing? Untuk tips kali ini saya mau mencoba mengajak anda semua untuk memanfaatkan kedahsyatan faktor kali dan kecepatan penyebaran ini dalam bentuk backlink.

Cara Cepat Meningkatkan Page Rank Dan Traffic Blog ternyata cukup mudah. Yang perlu anda lakukan adalah meletakkan link-link berikut ini di blog atau artikel atau silahkan langsung COPAS (copy Paste) artikel ini.

1. soebakree corner

2. perpustakaan bersama

3. Intuisiblog

4. SEOjaguars

5. Iklan baris

6. Ki Dukun

7. Blogobusiness

8. Rosandika

9. Brojomusti

10.Zona Tutorial Blog

11.Zona Review Blog

12.Zona Tutorial Bisnis


14.Sang Pengawas

15.Gendhogo Al-Ikhlas

16.Gema Hati

17.Blogger Indonesia

18.SEO macan

19.Pakde SEO


21.Optimalkan Indera Keenam

22.Seputar bisnis Online

23.Business 4 U

Cara Kerja, pertama-tama anda meletakkan link blog anda beserta anchor text seperti susunan diatas, kemudian anda hapus nomer urut ke 23 dari daftar, sehingga semua peserta naik 1 level.Yang semula berada di nomor 1 jadi nomor 2, nomor 2 jadi 3, dst. Kemudian masukkan link blog anda di posisi nomer satu (1) atau paling atas sendiri.

Jika tiap peserta mampu mengajak 5 orang saja, maka jumlah backlink yang akan didapat adalah

Ketika posisi blog anda 1, jumlah backlink = 1
Posisi 2, jml backlink = 5
Posisi 3, jml backlink = 25
Posisi 4, jml backlink = 125
Posisi 5, jml backlink = 625
Posisi 6, jml backlink = 3,125
Posisi 7, jml backlink = 15,625
Posisi 8, jml backlink = 78,125
Posisi 9, jml backlink = 390,625
Posisi 10, jml backlink = 1,953,125

Jika anda memasang sampai posisi 10 saja, dan semuanya menggunakan kata kunci (anchor text) yang anda inginkan. Dari sisi SEO, anda sudah mendapatkan 1,953,125 backlink dan efek sampingnya jika pengunjung web para downline anda mengklik link itu, otomatis blog anda akan mendapat tambahan traffic.

Nah, silahkan copy paste artikel Cara Cepat Meningkatkan Page Rank Dan Traffic Blog, dan hilangkan peserta nomor 23 lalu tambahkan link blog/website anda di posisi 1. Ingat, anda harus mulai dari posisi 1 agar hasilnya maksimal.

Selamat mencoba Cara Cepat Meningkatkan Page Rank Dan Traffic Blog!

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

How to Help Your Children With Their Homework?

Homework is a decisive supplement your child undertakes at school. As a parent, it can be very frustrating to get children to buckle down and do their homework. It's important that parents not only help children in completing homework, but also help to encourage and motivate them as well. A few tips will help your children have a structured environment to get homework done in timely and establishing a good homework routine every day.

a) Provide a quiet space
This place should be somewhere where they can concentrate, if it is helpful to them, you should get ready a radio with music to them. If your children love some sort of cartoons or graphic, you can decorate the wall with wallpaper or some decoration displaying in the place to attract them.

b) Do not do it for them
If you are an expert in an area that your children are studying, let them know that you are available for them to use as resource. Whatever you do, do not do your children's homework for them. Discuss your children's homework and ask if they understand the homework. If they are having difficulty in homework, you may want to sit with them and helping them understands how to complete the homework.

c) Encouragement
Give praise and encouragement to your children when they are doing homework in correct way. Ask your children to show you their homework after it is returned by the teacher, so you can find out if there are any areas where they are having trouble. If they have done a good work, praise them like "good job", "that's great", or "I knew you could do it".

d) Pampering
Make a healthy snack or tidbits to give to your children while he or she is doing their work. You also can prepare food that your children love, this gets their mind working and entices them to sit down and munch.

e) Provide learning materials
Children can benefit from having revision resources at home. Make a small basket that holds your children's needed tools for homework. Keep pencils, pens, erasers, crayon, colour pencils and glue in a basket. Your children can get easily distracted when they have to keep getting up to find necessary items.

As parents should remember that you and your children's teachers have the same goal with homework to help your children learn. Parents should be available to help your children when they need you. Homework can actually be a fun activity for you and your children to bond.
Author Resource:- Anna has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. You are invited to visit her new website iPodTouch to learn more about tips to prolong iPod battery life and perform iPod repair by your own.

How to Write a Resume Objective and Executive Summary?

For acquiring the job opportunity, it is important for you to write the resume that will display your skills and traits marvelously. To make your resume interesting and readable, you should give solid start to your resume. Resume objective is the initial section of resume and should be written clearly and attractively. Today, we see many applicants using the executive summary as replacement for the job objectives. Let us know more about the difference in resume objective and executive summary.

Resume Objective:
The resume objective is the initial section in the resume after the contact information of applicant. The job objective in resume explains about the personal goals of the candidate working in the particular position. The objective is self centric and revolves around the candidate. It does not give any information of the candidate’s past career details and strengths.
Resume objective assists the potential employer in knowing your future career goals. It tells the employer what you can provide to the company while working on the position and how the company can get benefited by recruiting you.
How to Write Resume Objective?
Before writing the resume remember that, your job objective should focus on what you can provide to the company rather than what you desire from the company. Be specific in defining your career goals. Your resume objective should not be more than 3 to 5 lines. Include the actions verbs that can highlight your skills. Objective should be made attractive to hold the attention of the employers.
The resume objective tells the employers only about the career goals of the employer but not about the skills and strengths. It tends to be career limiting and one-dimensional. The resume objectives taper down your opportunities if you are multi-skilled and qualified for more than one position. Due to all these demerits, many applicants are now using executive summary instead of job objectives in resume.
Executive Summary:
The executive summary talks about the results that you have achieved in past and the potential you possess. It also helps to establish your professional identity. The executive summary presents your skills, accomplishments and abilities to the recruiters before reading the resume. Executive summary tells how you the company can get benefited by your strengths and abilities. It is generally written to hold the interest of the employer in your resume so that he may read your resume completely to know more about you and call you for the personal interview.

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Better Yourself With An Online Education

Nowadays, increasing numbers of people choose to complete their own degrees on the internet instead of admitting into traditional degree programs supplied on-campus. Yet why is it that students these days want to obtain or perhaps finish their degree on the net instead of going to a real school or college?

One of the major explanations why individuals today go for an online degree is the amount of savings that they will be able to have. If you examine the entire cost of obtaining an online degree side by side that of obtaining a traditional education, the real difference in terms of the tuition fee is concerned might reach at least half.

For example, if you should spend about 80,000 dollars just to be in a conventional college, you will see that you will simply require around 20,000 us dollars to complete an internet program. Nowadays that is a ton of money.

Another reason why online degrees are so popular these days is because of people’s frantic lifestyle. You will discover folks who already possess a bachelor’s degree but will still desire to proceed and acquire a master’s degree so that they can further their own occupation. However enrolling for masters would likely require time and effort and some of these folks can not afford to give up their day time jobs as they also have bills to pay for. As a result, acquiring degrees online – online distance education programs – will strike the balance between school and work.

Online degree courses will even clear away the stress of your back – it will let you study at your own pace and you may not have to comply with one particular schedule.

Many online degree courses give flexible schedules, making it possible for the individuals to remain working while they study. Although there will be live online forums as well as chats involving students and teachers every once in awhile that you must attend, it will only happen depending on your handiest moment.

Getting your education on the internet provides you numerous of possibilities. Whatever your interests are, you will for sure come across a minimum of one online course which will match you. Numerous diplomas are offered on the net – there is an online law education program, an internet psychology degree program, an online engineering degree, a web-based English degree, and also a criminal justice web based degree programs.

You can even receive an online degree in accounting, nursing, in physics, in nutrition, and even an MBA. Each one of these plus more, you can complete without needing to go to a regular university.

You will also be able to get a Bachelor’s Degree, a Master’s Degree, as well as a Doctorate Degree through internet classes. Depending on your current degree, you'll be able to advance your degree and open up new doors for more career opportunities.

When it comes to pursuing an online education, it's always wise to do your research beforehand. There are many choices in the fields of online bachelor degree. For more information about online education programs, read more of these articles.